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Thank you for visiting our website!  We are very excited to share the wonderful things that the Lord has been doing in our lives!    It is our  prayer that our songs will touch people's hearts in a special way, encourage them in their own personal walk, and that our Heavenly Father will be glorified!  Our goal is to be aware of and obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  We feel it is not His intent for  this treasury of songs to be hidden or kept to  ourselves,  but to be shared with others. 


"just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Matthew 20:28





“God is so good to those who listen to His call and follow Him wherever He may lead”.


   Lorraine and Amy met in 2017 at Gateway Church in Del Norte, CO. Both worship leaders (Lorraine with her husband Ron) and Amy (as co-leader of worship at Gateway Church), the two immediately developed a special bond. In a passing conversation, the subject of writing original music was mentioned and they decided to get together to see where God might lead them.


   After making a commitment to meet once per week, the Holy Spirit has inspired over 60 songs. Their first cd I WILL FOLLOW YOU was released in January, 2019 and is an example of God working through them to spread His Good News through music. The arrangements on this album are mostly acoustic, with the exception of Heal our Land, which includes acoustic lead by Ron McClure. You Bring Me Peace, I Am Forgiven, and Thank You, Sweet Jesus include sweet mandolin and warm acoustic leads by the Valley’s own Don Richmond. Elaine Meyer of Colorado Springs added beautiful harmony and her sweet finger-pickin’ style to a couple tracks as well.


   In 2020, the duo released their second album titled ARISE AND SHINE. Like the first cd, this album was co-produced with Don Richmond at his studio. This album has a fuller sound with more instrumentation, including Don on the electric bass, dobro, violin, and electric guitar. Local musicians Caleb Clark and James Doyle are credited for the amazing piano and percussion. Lorraine and Amy will be headed back to the studio in April of 2023 to begin work on a third cd, which will also contain all original work.

    This time, the duo worked with Bill Palmer of Terlingua, NM at Howlin' Dog Studios in Alamosa. Bill added another exciting dimension to Lorraine and Amy's music, with his own style of engineering and musical abilities. This third CD, "You Are the Reason" brings its own unique style and is a wonderful accompaniment to their growing collection of original works.


   God has surely blessed Lorraine and Amy Music Ministry, and it has grown to include a women’s camping ministry. In 2022 Lorraine and Amy held two weekend camping retreats. The retreats began on a Friday at noon and ended the following Sunday at noon. Each weekend was opened up to 12 women, and the ladies enjoyed fellowship, worship, teachings, ‘cowgirl coffee’ and delicious food all cooked over an open fire in the mountains. The first year was a great success and plans are well underway for 2024!


   Lorraine and Amy continue to SHARE JESUS THROUGH SONG with others at various places of worship. CD sales and donations have enabled them to pay for time in the studio and continue blessing others with their passion and calling. They enjoy spreading the love and hope in Jesus Christ by frequently visiting the local nursing homes.


  Lorraine and Amy recently recorded a podcast with Adam Lock that can be heard on his local website:


   For more information about Lorraine and Amy, to keep up with upcoming events or to download music, you can visit their website: You can also download some of their music through Spotify, Apple Music, and other major digital distributors.



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